The Winds of Change: Embracing Love, Compassion, and Unity in Turbulent Times

Today in Long Beach California, the wind is blowing intensely. In many spiritual traditions, the wind is often seen as a symbol of movement, change, and divine presence. It represents the unseen forces of life, guiding and shaping individuals in ways that may not always be immediately clear. The wind can symbolize the breath of life or the Spirit which is both invisible and powerful.

The wind embodies freedom, moving without restriction, and renewal, sweeping away the old to create space for the new. It can signify spiritual awakening, transformation, and the flow of energy. In some cultures, the wind is believed to carry messages from the divine and be a messenger itself, conveying wisdom, change, or insight.

The need for LOVE, empathy, compassion, inclusion, acceptance, patience, gratitude, and even more love is calling! The hate has to stop. Any of us that keep hating who has been chosen, will keep the division going. I personally know how difficult it is to love someone who appears so violent.

As a trauma informed Spiritual Guidance Counselor, I see the world through a different lens. I see this man as a small child that needs love like all small children do. Those of us with a deeply spiritual practice, it’s time to rise above all the hatred and continue the path that we know is not a war. The division, separation, and mindset of “my way is better, and you are wrong” has  only fueled more of the same—more separation, more hatred. This energy needs to end now. We must be inclusive, accepting, and loving, even to  those who may appear scary, violent, or exclusive - they are very scared little children who need even more love, empathy and compassion.

As long as a person is not harming themselves or others, embracing diversity—even in adversity—is the true path to acceptance.I see this as an opportunity to keep bringing love and light into our universe. United with like-minded souls, we know that love is the highest vibration.

I truly believe the light will shine in the darkness. It’s been my practice for 61 years. I personally have experienced a life of hardship, challenge and intensity.  Which apparently I have needed to grow and evolve, but is uncomfortableAF!  Consider these collective needs as an opportunity to learn. 

The wind is our reminder to remain open, flexible, and attuned to the subtle forces that shape our lives and our spiritual journeys. Find your tribe of love and inclusion, this is my Soul’s Vision!


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